Quality of research and teaching

The Quality Assurance management system consists of four interrelated processes: planning, management, self-assessment, and improvement.
Quality of Research
The approach set by the Quality Assurance Office is characterised by department-level quality principles: transparency, information sharing, and verification of results with indicators or documentary evidence. The Office promotes self-assessment by providing support to Departments, so that they may define improvement objectives, according to their specificities and in line with the objectives of the University's Strategic Plan.
Annual Departmental Research Sheet (SUA-RD)
The Annual Departmental Research Sheet (SUA-RD) is managed by the department. During the annual review meeting, the Department analyses qualitative and quantitative information related to objectives, departmental quality policies, third mission initiatives, and public engagement. The SUA-RD is also used for periodic evaluation and accreditation conducted by ANVUR.
The Continuous Improvement Cycle of the SUA-RD
- Defining objectives in line with the University's strategic plan, having monitoring indicators (SUA-RD Frame A1)
- Third Mission Strategy: The main departmental approaches, consistent with its specificity (SUA-RD Frame I0)
- Department Organization (see the Organization page)
- Research Groups (see the Research Groups page)
- AQ Research Management System: Tasks and responsibilities for conducting the review, criteria for resource distribution (SUA-RD Frame B2)
- Analysis of monitoring results: In-depth self-assessment and progress check of objectives (Review SUA-RD Frame B3)
- Definition and areas of improvement: Formulation of intervention areas emerged from the self-assessment (Review SUA-RD Frame B3)
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SUA-RD 2022- Objectives 2022-2027
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