Presentations and meetings
Aula Magna - Department of Psychology “Renzo Canestrari”, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 5 Bologna
Postdoctoral Fellows 2023-2024 - Department of Psychology “Renzo Canestrari”, University of Bologna
Concluded events
Shows and festivals
Room V, 2nd Floor, Via Zamboni 38, 40126 Bologna, Italy
The UNIBO event dedicated to creativity and Artificial Intelligence, featuring screenings and awards for the best AI-themed short films created by students.
Presentations and meetings
Career guidance events
Bologna e Campus Romagna
In October, take part in the meetings: Unibo Alumni will share their stories to guide you in discovering the world of work and inspire you in building your career path.
Presentations and meetings
PhD day - PhD Programme in Psychology
Room 6 - Department of Psychology, Viale Berti Pichat 5, Bologna e Online by Teams
Welcome and self presentation of PhD students of 40 cycle and presentations of the projects of PhD students of 39 cycle
Shows and festivals
0n 27 September, join us at the European Researchers' Night
Bologna and in Romagna Campuses
European Researchers' Night in Bologna and in Romagna Campuses will be enlivened by experiments, demonstrations, meetings, exhibitions, and much more. Be inspired by the magic of science!
Ph.D DAY - The day dedicated to PhD students in Psychology
Aula Magna, Dipartimento di Psicologia - Viale Berti Pichat 5, Bologna
PhD in Psychology
EASP Meeting on Intergroup Communication
Department of Psychology - University of Bologna Bologna, Italy
EASP European Association of Social Psychology - Intergroup Symposium
Post-doctoral Research Symposium 2018
Department of Psychology, University of Bologna Main Hall
Research projects- Postdoctoral Fellows 2017-2018
Joint International Workshop: Understanding and promoting change from early to complex skills in typical and atypical development: a cross-population approach
University of Bologna Department of Psychology, Viale Berti Pichat 5, Bologna
University of Bologna and University of Pittsburgh Joint International Workshop October 10-11, 2018
Risk @ UNIBO Multidisciplinary approaches to risk management
Sala Feste, Malvezzi Building - via Zamboni 22, Bologna and Belmeloro Building - via Andreatta 8, Bologna
Seminar Series organised by the UNIBO Working Group on Risk
Studying basic functions to understand atypical development
Aula Anfiteatro Pombeni - Piazza A. Moro 90, Cesena
International seminar
Safer communities, safer relationships - International conference
PALAZZO VAI - Via Pugliesi, 59100 Prato PO, Italy
An international conference in Prato, Tuscany, on cross-disciplinary approaches