Software (Licenses and Agreements)

Main Agreements and Popular Software Used in Various Disciplines of Psychology

List of 'Campus' Contracts

Overview of Software Used for Research

Microsoft Campus: Office 365, One Drive, Azure Dev Tools for Teaching

As part of the Microsoft agreement, University staff (please specify TA, faculty, etc.) can use up to 6 Office package licenses for Windows and Mac, by logging in with their credentials at this site. Also available under the same agreement is up to 1TB of cloud storage (please specify TA, faculty, etc.) for sharing files and folders with other University users; the OneDrive service is available at this site. The Campus contract also includes access to numerous Microsoft server platforms and development environments for exclusive educational and non-commercial research purposes. For more information, visit the Azure Dev Tools for Teaching service resource here.


An active Campus agreement exists between Alma Mater and MathWorks, allowing faculty, technical-administrative staff, and students free access to MATLAB and Simulink suites, which can be installed on personal computers. The agreement also includes free online training courses. For general information on installing and activating licenses, visit this private website.
For software usage limitations, consult this site.
For additional clarifications on the service, some FAQs are available here.

Sophos Antivirus

Sophos Antivirus Home is available to all faculty and technical-administrative staff, and students through an agreement with the University of Bologna. Only users with an account can activate the Premium features for free. The software, available for Windows and Mac, can be installed on work and private computers (i.e., owned by the staff and used for work activities).
For information on activating this service, access here.


The University of Bologna participates in the 'IBM Academic Initiative', an international program offering students and staff of participating universities free or discounted software for educational or research activities, including SPSS software. The Department of Psychology also has numerous licenses for SPSS and Amos software packages used in specific areas of psychological research for statistical analysis of experimental data.


The Department uses the premium version of this software, highly regarded for English text revision in article editing. Grammarly Premium


More details at Inquisit website


This software is used for text analysis, identifying the percentage of words related to specific emotional contexts, reflecting different emotions, thinking styles, social concerns, and even parts of speech. Developed by researchers in social, clinical, health, and cognitive psychology, the language categories aim to capture people’s social and psychological states. More information on LIWC


A command-line program for statistical analysis. Mplus website


For more information, contact prof. Elvis Mazzoni (