Community, equity and health promotion

We focus on health, equity and health promotion. In these fields we do research and interventions to contrast inequality and promote community well-being. Head:Cinzia Albanesi

Research lines of the group documented by publications in the period 2019-2023

  • Health promotion and well-being promotion in schools and communities
  • Contrasting Inequalities in school and community contexts
  • Health promotion and equity in LGBTQIA+ communities


Cinzia Albanesi, Full professor


Cinzia Albanesi

Full Professor

Irene Barbieri

Adjunct professor

Annalisa Cecconi

PhD Student

Elvira Cicognani

Full Professor

Christian Compare

Adjunct professor

Research fellow

Antonella Guarino

Adjunct professor

Gabriele Prati

Associate Professor

ERC  sectors

  • SH Social Sciences and Humanities
  • SH4_5 Social and clinical psychology
  • SH4_11Education: systems and institutions, teaching and learning

Scientific disciplinary sector (SSD): M-PSI/05

Selected publications of the group for the period 2019-2023

  1. Lorusso, M. M., Compare, C., & Albanesi, C. (2023). Current vs. Desired: Transforming the Gender-Affirming Path Through the Work of Trans, Non-binary, and Gender-Questioning Activists Within an Ecological Framework. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 1-15.
  2. Compare, C., & Albanesi, C. (2023). Belief, attitude and critical understanding. A systematic review of social justice in Service‐Learning experiences. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology33(2), 332-355.
  3. Gattino, S., Rizzo, M., Gatti, F., Compare, C., Procentese, F., Guarino, A., ... & Albanesi, C. (2022). COVID‐19 in our lives: Sense of community, sense of community responsibility, and reflexivity in present concerns and perception of the future. Journal of Community Psychology, 50(5), 2344-2365.
  4. Lorusso, M., & Albanesi, C. (2021). When the context rows against. Voicing parents of transgender children and teenagers in Italy: A qualitative study. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 31(6), 732-748.
  5. Albanesi, C., Tomasetto, C. & Guardabassi, V. Evaluating interventions with victims of intimate partner violence: a community psychology approach. BMC Women's Health 21, 138 (2021).
  6. Cicognani, E., Albanesi, C., Valletta, L., Prati, G. (2020) Quality of Collaboration Within Health Promotion Partnerships and Community Coalitions: Impact on Sense of Community, Empowerment and Perceived Projects’ Outcomes" Journal of Community Psychology, 48(2), 323-336.

Funding for the period 2019-2023

International projects

  • ERASMUS+ ASSETSCOM (2017-2019)
  • SYNCRONY (HE) (2023-2027)



Active National and International Collaborations for the period 2019-2023

National collaborations

  • Community Psychology Groups of the University of Naples Federico II, University of Salento
  • University of Turin, Catholic University Milan, SIPCO (Italian Society of Community Psychology)

Unibo collaborations

  • Department of Education Sciences - CSGE - Centre for Gender and Education Studies, Department of Education Sciences, University of Bologna

Editorial activities in the period 2019-2023

Cinzia Albanesi

  • Psicologia di comunità
  • Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology

Elvira Cicognani

  • Psicologia di comunità


Fellow in scientific academies and / or executive committees of scientific associations for the period 2019-2023

 Cinzia Albanesi

  • European Community Psychology Association (ECPA);
  • EASLHE (European Association Service Learning in Higher Education)

Elvira Cicognani

  • European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA);
  • Associazione Italiana di Psicologia - Sezione di Psicologia Sociale

Maric Martin Lorusso

  • European Community Psychology Association (ECPA student board member)