Community, equity and health promotion

We focus on health, equity and health promotion. In these fields we do research and interventions to contrast inequality and promote community well-being. Head:Cinzia Albanesi

Research lines of the group documented by publications in the period 2019-2023

  • Health promotion and well-being promotion in schools and communities
  • Contrasting Inequalities in school and community contexts
  • Health promotion and equity in LGBTQIA+ communities


Cinzia Albanesi, Full professor

UniBO Members

Cinzia Albanesi

Full Professor

Annalisa Cecconi

PhD Student

Elvira Cicognani

Full Professor

Christian Compare

Adjunct professor

Research fellow

Francesca Esposito

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

Gabriele Prati

Associate Professor

ERC  sectors

  • SH Social Sciences and Humanities
  • SH4_5 Social and clinical psychology
  • SH4_11Education: systems and institutions, teaching and learning

Scientific disciplinary sector (SSD): PSIC-03/A

Selected publications of the group for the period 2020-2024

  1. Lorusso, M. M., Compare, C., & Albanesi, C. (2023). Current vs. Desired: Transforming the Gender-Affirming Path Through the Work of Trans, Non-binary, and Gender-Questioning Activists Within an Ecological Framework. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 1-15.
  2. Compare, C., & Albanesi, C. (2023). Belief, attitude and critical understanding. A systematic review of social justice in Service‐Learning experiences. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology33(2), 332-355.
  3. Gattino, S., Rizzo, M., Gatti, F., Compare, C., Procentese, F., Guarino, A., ... & Albanesi, C. (2022). COVID‐19 in our lives: Sense of community, sense of community responsibility, and reflexivity in present concerns and perception of the future. Journal of Community Psychology, 50(5), 2344-2365.
  4. Lorusso, M., & Albanesi, C. (2021). When the context rows against. Voicing parents of transgender children and teenagers in Italy: A qualitative study. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 31(6), 732-748.
  5. Albanesi, C., Tomasetto, C. & Guardabassi, V. Evaluating interventions with victims of intimate partner violence: a community psychology approach. BMC Women's Health 21, 138 (2021).
  6. Cicognani, E., Albanesi, C., Valletta, L., Prati, G. (2020) Quality of Collaboration Within Health Promotion Partnerships and Community Coalitions: Impact on Sense of Community, Empowerment and Perceived Projects’ Outcomes" Journal of Community Psychology, 48(2), 323-336.

Funding for the period 2020-2024

International projects

  • SYNCRONY (HE) (2023-2027)


Active National and International Collaborations for the period 2019-2023

National collaborations

  • Community Psychology Groups of the University of Naples Federico II, University of Salento
  • University of Turin, Catholic University Milan, SIPCO (Italian Society of Community Psychology)

Unibo collaborations

  • Department of Education Sciences - CSGE - Centre for Gender and Education Studies, Department of Education Sciences, University of Bologna

Editorial activities in the period 2020-2024

Cinzia Albanesi

  • Psicologia di comunità
  • Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology

Elvira Cicognani

  • Psicologia di comunità

Fellow in scientific academies and / or executive committees of scientific associations for the period 2020-2024

 Cinzia Albanesi

  • European Community Psychology Association (ECPA);
  • EASLHE (European Association Service Learning in Higher Education)

Elvira Cicognani

  • European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA);
  • Associazione Italiana di Psicologia - Sezione di Psicologia Sociale

Maric Martin Lorusso

  • European Community Psychology Association (ECPA student board member)