ERC Sectors
SH4 The Human Mind and Its Complexity: Cognitive science, psychology, linguistics, education
- SH4_3 Neuropsychology
- SH4_4 Cognitive and experimental psychology: perception, action, and higher cognitive processes
LS5 Neurosciences and Neural Disorders: Neurobiology, neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neurochemistry, neuropharmacology, neuroimaging, systems neuroscience, neurological and psychiatric disorders
- LS5_7 Cognition (e.g. learning, memory, emotions, speech)
- LS5_12 Psychiatric disorders (e.g. schizophrenia, autism, Tourette’s syndrome, obsessive compulsive disorder, depression, bipolar disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)
Scientific Disciplinary Sector: M-PSI/02
Selected publications of the group for the period 2020-2024
- Stendardi, D., Basu, A., Treves, A., & Ciaramelli, E. (2023). Déjà vu: A botched memory operation, illegitimate to start with. The Behavioral and brain sciences, 46, e378.
- Rosenbaum, R.S., Halilova, J.G., Kwan, D., Beneventi, S., Craver, C.F., Gilboa, A., Ciaramelli, E. (2023). Temporal construal is independent of episodic future thought. Psychological Science, 34, 75-86.
- Viol, A., Treves, A., Ciaramelli, E. (2021). Navigating through the ebbs and flows of language. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 70, 130-36.
- Ciaramelli, E., De Luca, F., Kwan, D., Mok, J., Bianconi, F., Knyagnytska, V., Craver, C., Green, L., Myerson, J., Rosenbaum, R.S (2021). The role of ventromedial prefrontal cortex in reward valuation and future thinking during intertemporal choice. eLife, 10, e67387.
- Stendardi, D., Biscotto, F, Bertossi, E., Ciaramelli, E (2021). Future and present self in memory: the role of vmPFC in the self-reference effect. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 16, 1205-13.
- Ciaramelli, E., Anelli, F., Frassinetti, F. (2021). An asymmetry between past and future mental time travel following vmPFC damage. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 16, 315-325.
Funding for the period 2020-2024
International Projects
- 2020 grant da Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) (prot. DC0190GP), titolo: Decision making in the time of COVID-19 (Elisa Ciaramelli, coordinatore locale, con Shayna Rosenbaum e Donna Addis, PIs)
National Projects
- 2022-2025, PRIN. Titolo: Neuropsychological and neural circuit mechanisms for projecting memory into future choice (FORWARD) (with Mathew Diamond, PI). Local coordinator.
- 2021 FISR Finanziamento MUR, titolo “Dispositivi di sicurezza e distanze sociali nei luoghi aperti e chiusi: dove e come ci sentiamo al sicuro? (Francesca Frassinetti, local coordinator, with Tina Iachini, PI)
- 2017-2020, PRIN. Titolo: Transitions in Retrieval-Induced Productive Sequences (TRIPS) (Elisa Ciaramelli, local coordinator, with Alessandro Treves, PI).
- Fondi Ricerca Fondamentale Orientata (RFO), Universita' di Bologna
Active National and International Collaborations for the period 2020-2024
International collaborations
- Morris Moscovitch (University of Toronto)
- Shayna Rosenbaum (York University, Toronto)
- Shahar Arzy (Hebrew University Jerusalem)
- Alessandro Farnè (Universitè de Lyon)
National collaborations
- Alessandro Treves (SISSA, Trieste)
- Tina Iachini (Seconda Università Napoli)
Editorial activities in the period 2020-2024
Entropy (topic editor), Frontiers in Psychology (reviewing editor), Experimental Brain Research (guest editor)
Fellow in scientific academies and / or executive committees of scientific associations for the period 2020-2024
Member of: Memory Disorders Research Society, Cognitive Neuroscience Society, European Federation of Neuropsychological Societies, Società Italiana di Neuropsicologia