NIBS Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation

We investigate the neural foundations of behavior and cognition, focusing on neuroplasticity, brain oscillations, and connectivity. Our research leverages advanced electrophysiological techniques and neurostimulation to uncover these mechanisms. Head: Alessio Avenanti

Research lines of the group documented by publications in the period 2020-2024

  • Investigation of human behavior and the underlying cognitive and affective processes through behavioral methods and neurostimulation, combined with electrophysiological and functional imaging techniques.
  • Study of brain plasticity, connectivity, and oscillatory activity to understand their role and significance in shaping human behavior.
  • Development and application of novel non-invasive neurostimulation approaches aimed at advancing basic research, translational studies, and clinical applications.


Alessio Avenanti, Full Professor

UniBO Members

Alessio Avenanti

Full Professor

Simone Battaglia

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Sara Borgomaneri

Associate Professor

Kamela Cenka

PhD Student

Yanyan Gao

PhD Student

Alice Marra

PhD Student

Ettore Napoli

PhD Student

Claudio Nazzi

PhD Student

Sonia Turrini

Research fellow

Other Members

  • Naomi Bevacqua - dottoranda Sapienza Università di Roma

ERC Sectors

  • SH4_2 Personality and social cognition; emotion  
  • SH4_4 Neuropsychology  
  • SH4_5 Attention, perception, action, consciousness 
  • LS5_9 Neural basis of cognition  
  • LS5_10 Ageing of the nervous system  
  • LS5_16 Systems and computational neuroscience  
  • LS5_17 Imaging in neuroscience 

Scientific Disciplinary Sector: PSIC-01/B

Selected publications of the group for the period 2020-2024

  1. Turrini S, Fiori F, Bevacqua N, Saracini C, Lucero B, Candidi M, Avenanti A (2024). Spike-timing-dependent plasticity induction reveals dissociable supplementary- and premotor-motor pathways to automatic imitation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science U.S.A. 121, e2404925121.
  2. Chiappini E, Turrini S, Zanon M, Marangon M, Borgomaneri S, Avenanti A (2024). Driving Hebbian plasticity over ventral premotor-motor projections transiently enhances motor resonance. Brain Stimulation 17, 211-220.
  3. Borgomaneri S, Vitale F, Battaglia S, de Vega M, Avenanti A (2024). Task-related modulation of motor response to emotional bodies: A TMS motor-evoked potential study. Cortex 171, 235-246.
  4. Borgomaneri S, Zanon M, Di Luzio P, Cataneo A, Arcara G, Romei V, Tamietto M, Avenanti A (2023). Increasing associative plasticity in temporo-occipital back-projections improves visual perception of emotions. Nature Communications 14,5720.
  5. Turrini S, Bevacqua N, Cataneo A, Chiappini E, Fiori F, Candidi M, Avenanti A (2023). Transcranial cortico-cortical paired associative stimulation (ccPAS) over ventral premotor-motor pathways enhances action performance and corticomotor excitability in young adults more than in elderly adults. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 15, 1119508. |
  6. Decroix J, Borgomaneri S, Kalenine S, Avenanti A (2020). State-dependent TMS of inferior frontal and parietal cortex highlights integration of motor acts and functional goals during action recognition. Cortex 132, 51-62.

Funding for the period 2020-2024

International Projects 

  • 2023. Imminent Research grant Translated (PI: AA). 
  • 2022 Grant, Bial Foundation, Portogallo. Prot. n° 304/22; years: 2022-2026 (PI: AA). 
  • 2022 Grant, Bial Foundation, Portogallo. Prot. n° 033/22; years: 2022-2026 (PI: SB). 
  • 2018 Grant, Bial Foundation, Portogallo. Prot. n° 298/16; years: 2019-2023 (PI: AA). 
  • Research Grant 2014, Cogito Foundation, Svizzera. Prot. n° 14-139-R; years: 2014-2020 (PI: AA). 

 National Projects 

  • PRIN 2022, MUR, Italy. Prot. n° 2022NEE53Z; years: 2023-2025 (PI: AA) 
  • Bando FISM 2022, Associazione Italiana Sclerosi Multipla. Italy. Prot. n° 2022/R-Single/071; years: 2023-2025 (PI: AA) 
  • Partenariati Estesi PNRR, Neuroscienze e neurofarmacologia, MUR, Italy. Prot. n° PE0000006 – MNESYS; years: 2022-2025 (Co-PI: AA). 
  • Fondazione del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna, Italy. Prot. n° 1402bis/2021; years: 2021-2024 (PI: AA). 
  • Bando Ricerca Finalizzata 2019, Ministero della Salute. Prot. n° RF-2019-12368598; years: 2019-2022 (Co-PI: AA) 
  • Bando Giovani Ricercatori 2018, Ministero della Salute. Prot. n° GR-2018-12365733; years: 2019-2022 (Local coordinator: SB) 
  • PRIN 2017, MIUR, Italy. Prot. n° 2017N7WCLP; years: 2019-2021 (Local coordinator: AA). 
  • Fondazione del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna, Italy. Prot. n° 339bis/2017; years: 2017-2020 (PI: AA). 


Active National and International Collaborations 2020-2024

International collaborations 

  • de Vega M, & Vitale F, Universidad de la Laguna (Spain) 
  • Fracasso A, University of Glasgow (UK) 
  • Kalénine S & Decroix J, Université de Lille (France) 
  • Keysers C & Gazzola V, Netherland Institute of Neuroscience (Netherland) 
  • Lucero B, & Saracini C, Universidad Católica del Maule (Chile) 
  • Meconi F, University of Birmingham (UK) 
  • Nitsche MA & Salehinejad MA, Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors (Germany) 
  • Santarnecchi E, Harvard University (USA) 
  • Silvanto J, University of Surrey (UK) 
  • Tidoni E, University of Hull (UK) 

National collaborations 

  • Aglioti SM, Bevacqua N & Candidi M, Sapienza Università di Roma 
  • Arcara G, IRCCS San Camillo 
  • Avanzino L & Botta A, Università di Genova  
  • Becchio C & Panzeri S, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia 
  • Sessa P, Università di Padova 
  • Tamietto M, Università di Torino 
  • Vicario CM, Università di Messina 
  • Zanon M, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA) 

 Unibo collaborations 

  • Tessari A, & Costa M, Dipartimento PSI, SSD PSI, PSIC-01/A
  • Ciaramelli E, di Pellegrino G, & Romei V, Dipartimento PSI, SSD PSI, PSIC-01/B
  • Benassi MG, & Giovagnoli S, Dipartimento PSI, SSD PSI, PSIC-01/C
  • Fino E, Menegatti M & Rubini M, Dipartimento PSI, SSD PSI, PSIC-03/A
  • Breviglieri R, Bosco A, & Fattori P, Dipartimento DIBINEM, SSD BIOS-06/A
  • Russo M & Spinolo N, Dipartimento DIT, SSD SPAN-01/C

Editorial activities in the period 2020-2024

  • Cognitive Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience (Alessio Avenanti is consulting editor),

  • Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience (Alessio Avenanti is guest associate editor)

  • Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (Alessio Avenanti is guest associate editor)

  • Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience (Sara Borgomaneri is a reviewing editor)

  • Neuroimage (Alessio Avenanti is guest associate editor)

  • PLoS ONE (Alessio Avenanti is section editor and academic editor),

  • Scientific Reports (Alessio Avenanti is an editorial board member)

  • Brain Sciences (Alessio Avenanti and Sara Borgomaneri are associate editors)

Fellow in scientific academies and / or executive committees of scientific associations for the period 2020-2024

  • Vice President of the Italian Society of Psychophysiology and Cognitive Neuroscience (SIPF) (Alessio Avenanti) 
  • President of the International Advisory Board and Honorary Member of the Instituto Universitario de Neurociencia Universidad de La Laguna (Alessio Avenanti) 
  • Member of the International Advisory Board of the BrainLat Institute Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (Alessio Avenanti)