Perception, Learning and Emotion

Perception and learning in the processing of visual and acoustic stimuli. Head: Maurizio Codispoti

Research lines of the group documented by publications in the period 2019-2023 

  • Categorization and Emotional Response to Relevant Natural Scenes; 
  • Statistical and sensorimotor learning processes in attention, perception and metaperception, with a particular focus on peripheral vision.


Maurizio Codispoti, Full Professor 


Maurizio Codispoti

Full Professor

Andrea De Cesarei

Full Professor

Andrea Pavan

Associate Professor

Matteo Valsecchi

Associate Professor

ERC Sectors  

  • SH4_5 Attention, perception, action, consciousness
  • LS5_7 Cognition (e.g. learning, memory, emotions, speech)
  • SH4_6 Learning, memory; cognition in ageing 

Scientific Disciplinary Sector: M-PSI/01 General Psychology 

Selected publications of the group indexed in Scopus/WOS in the period 2019-2023

  1. Codispoti, M., De Cesarei, A., Ferrari, V. (2023). Alpha-band oscillations and emotion: A review of studies on picture perception. Psychophysiology.
  2. Codispoti, M., Micucci, A., & De Cesarei, A. (2021). Time will tell: Object categorization and emotional engagement during processing of degraded natural scenes. Psychophysiology.
  3. De Cesarei, A., Cavicchi, S., Micucci, A., & Codispoti, M. (2019). Categorization Goals Modulate the Use of Natural Scene Statistics. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.
  4. Valsecchi, M., & Turatto, M. (2021). Distractor filtering is affected by local and global distractor probability, emerges very rapidly but is resistant to extinction. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 83(6), 2458-2472.
  5. Pavan, A., Contillo, A., Yilmaz, S. K., Kafaligonul, H., Donato, R., & O'Hare, L. (2023). A comparison of equivalent noise methods in investigating local and global form and motion integration. Attention, perception & psychophysics, 85(1), 152–165.
  6. Ferrari, V., Mastria, S., & Codispoti, M. (2020). The interplay between attention and long-term memory in affective habituation. Psychophysiology, 57(6), e13572.

Funding for the period 2019-2023 

 International Projects 

  • 2021-2023 Bial Foundation. Title:  Novelty and Emotion in distractor processing, PI  €30,000. 
  • Beneficentia Stiftung grant (BEN 2023/96). Title: “Strengthening visual functions in healthy older adults to maintain and prolong independence longer into life”. PI, €21,000 

 National Projects 

  • 2023-2025 Prin 2022: “Interactions between central and peripheral vision: how the rich and detailed visual world is created”, codice proposta 2022HEKCWH_002.
  • PRIN: Progetti di ricerca di rilevante interesse nazionale – bando 2022, prot. 2022772HTJ. Title: “How do attentional training programs improve reading skills?” CO-PI, in charge of the research unit at the University of Bologna. €45,000.00.
  • De Cesarei 2021 PON “RICERCA E INNOVAZIONE” 2014-2020 azione IV.6 green “How to communicate the Ecological Value of a Product: Emotions and Purchase Choice”. (Principal Investigator). Importo: € 112.311 

Active National and International Collaborations documented by publications/ funding/ scientific agreements for the period 2019-2023 

 International collaborations 

  • Prof. Harald Schupp (Department of General Psychology, University of Konstanz, Germany) 
  • Prof. Markus Junghöfer (Institute for Biomagnetism and Biosignal analysis, University of Münster) 
  • Prof. Geoffrey Loftus (Department of Psychology, University of Washington) 
  • Jing Chen, Shanghai University of Sport 
  • Karl Gegenfurtner, University of Giessen, Department of General Psychology 
  • Alexander Schütz, University of Marburg, Department of Psychology 
  • Prof. Mark Greenlee (University of Regensburg, Germany) 
  • Prof. Wilhelm Malloni (University of Regensburg, Germany) 
  • Prof. George Mather (University of Sussex, UK) 
  • Prof. Louise O’Hare (Nottingham Trent University, UK) 

National collaborations 

  • Massimo Turatto, University of Trento, Center for Mind-Brain Sciences. 
  • Gianluca Campana (University of Padova) 
  • Vera Ferrari (Dipartimento di Medicina e Chirurgia, Università di Parma) 
  • Prof. Marco Lippi (Dipartimento di Scienze e Metodi per l’Ingegneria, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia) 
  • Marco Bertamini, University of Padova, Department of General Psychology 

Editorial activities in the period 2019-2023 

  • Maurizio Codispoti, Associate Editor, Frontiers in Psychology: Emotion Science 
  • Andrea De Cesarei, Associate Editor, Frontiers in Psychology: Emotion Science 
  • Matteo Valsecchi, Editor for Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (2022-present).  
  • Andrea Pavan, Acting Editor for Scientific Reports and Frontiers in Neuroscience and Psychology.