Social Psychology of Morality

Study of the role of morality in social judgment and group relations. Head: Silvia Moscatelli

Research lines of the group documented by publications in the period 2020-2024

  • Morality and gender bias in social judgment   
  • The consequences of perceived morality on impression formation and behaviour 
  • Gender discrimination and collective action 
  • Ingroup morality and social identification 


Silvia Moscatelli, Associate Professor 


Michela Menegatti

Associate Professor

Silvia Moscatelli

Associate Professor

Francesca Prati

Associate Professor

Monica Rubini

Full Professor

Dongxin Zhang

PhD Student

ERC Sectors  

SH Social Sciences and Humanities 

  • SH4 The Human Mind and its complexity: cognition, psychology, linguistics, philosophy, and education 
  • SH4_4 Cognitive and experimental psychology: perception, action, and higher cognitive processes 
  • SH2 Institutions, values, beliefs and behaviour: sociology, social anthropology, political science, law, communication, social studies of science and technology 
  • SH2_1 Social structure, inequalities, social mobility, interethnic relations 

Scientific Disciplinary Sector: PSIC-03/A

Selected publications of the group for the period 2020-2024

  1. Ciaffoni, S., Rubini, M., & Moscatelli, S. (2024). Turning ingroup wounds into bonds: Perceptions of gender inequalities predict attitudes toward other minorities. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1327262. 
  2. Kosakowska-Berezecka, N., Bosson, J. K., Jurek, P., Besta, T., Olech, M., Vandello, J. A., Bender, M., Dandy, J., Hoorens, V., Jasinskaja-Lahti, I., (...) Moscatelli, S. (...) & Żadkowska, M. (2023). Gendered self-views across 62 countries: A test of competing models. Social Psychology and Personality Science, 14(7), 808-824.  
  3. Moscatelli, S., Graziani, A.R., Botindari, L., Ciaffoni, S., Menegatti, M. (2023). Do we need a strong captain to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic? Social identification, conspiracy theory beliefs, and the wish for a strong leader. Frontiers in Psychology, 14: 1100519. 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1100519 
    1. Moscatelli, S., Golfieri, F., Tomasetto, C., & Bigler, R. (2021). Women and #MeToo in Italy: Internalized sexualization is associated with tolerance of sexual harassment and negative views of the #MeToo movement. Current Psychology, 40(12), 6199-6211. 
    2. Moscatelli, S., Menegatti, M., Ellemers, N., Mariani, M., & Rubini, M. (2020). Men should be competent, women should have it all: Multiple criteria in the evaluation of female job candidates. Sex Roles, 83, 269-288. 
    3.  Menegatti, M., Moscatelli, S., Brambilla, M., & Sacchi, S. (2020). The honest mirror: Morality as a moderator of spontaneous behavioral mimicry. European Journal of Social Psychology, 50(7), 1394-1405. 

    Funding for the period 2020-2024

    National Projects 

    •  PRIN Project Prot. 2017924L2B: "The psychology of economic inequality”; Funding responsible M. Rubini 

    Active National and International Collaborations documented by publications/ funding/ scientific agreements for the period 2020-2024

     International collaborations 

    • N. Ellemers, University of Utrecht 
      • N. Kosakowska-Berezecka, University of Gdańsk 
        • R. Bigler, University of Texas at Austin 

         National collaborations 

        •  S. Sacchi and M. Brambilla, University of Milano Bicocca; 
        • G. Pacilli, University of Perugia; 
        • F. Guizzo, University of Padova 
        • A.R. Graziani, University of Modena and Reggio-Emilia 

         Unibo collaborations 

        •  C. Tomasetto, Department of Psychology 

        Editorial activities in the period 2020-2024

        Member of the Editorial Board of:

        • Journal of Language and Social Psychology
        • Frontiers in Psychology
        • Psicologia Sociale