Space and Virtual Reality
Spatial memory, individual differences, web navigation. Head: Raffaella Nori
Research lines of the group documented by publications in the period 2020-2024
- Analyze the characteristics of spatial memory after the acquisition of a virtual reality environment or actually moving around the environment (i.e. primary learning)
- Analyze the contribution of personal characteristics (spatial cognitive styles, gender, age, mood and familiarity with the environment) and environmental characteristics (the degree of differentiation of the landmarks, the degree of visual access to the environment, the complexity of the spatial structure) for moving successfully trough the environment
- Analyze the relationship between online navigation and navigation in the real environment
- DTD, incidence, identification of preventive and predictive elements, training
Raffaella Nori, Associate Professor
UniBO Members
Fiorella Giusberti
Emeritus Professor
Nicola Matteucci Armandi Avogli Trotti
PhD Student
Raffaella Nori
Associate Professor
Sofia Pescarin
Adjunct professor
Other Members
- Laura Piccardi, Associate Professor, "La Sapienza" University of Rome
ERC Sectors
Scientific Disciplinary Sector: PSIC-01/A
Selected publications of the group indexed in Scopus/WOS in the period 2020-2024
- Nori, R., Palmiero, M., Giusberti, F., Gambetti, E., e Piccardi, L. (2020). Web Searching and Navigation: Age, Intelligence, and Familiarity. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 71, 902-915.
- Nori, R., Palmiero, M., Bocchi, A., Giannini, A.M., e Piccardi, L. (2020). The specific role of spatial orientation skills in predicting driving behaviour. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 71, 259-271
- Zucchelli, M.M., Piccardi, L., e Nori, R. (2021). The Fear to Move in a Crowded Environment. Poor Spatial Memory Related to Agoraphobic Disorder. Brain Sciences, 11, 796. brainsci11060796
- Palermo, L., Boccia, M., Piccardi, L., e Nori, R. (2023). Congenital lack and extraordinary ability in object and spatial imagery: An investigation on sub-types of aphantasia and hyperphantasia. Consciousness and Cognition, 103, 103360. DOI: 10.1016/j.concog.2022.103360
- Nori, R., Zucchelli, M.M., Palmiero, M., e Piccardi, L. (2023). Environmental cognitive load and spatial anxiety: What matters in navigation? Journal of Environmental Psychology, 88, 102032. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvp.2023.102032
- Nori, R., Zucchelli, M. M.; Cordellieri, P.; Quaglieri, A.; Palmiero, M.; Guariglia, P.; Giancola, M.; Giannini, A. M., & Piccardi, L. (2024). The prevention of road accidents in non-expert drivers: Exploring the influence of Theory of Mind and driving style. Safety Science, 175, 106516.
Active National and International Collaborations documented by publications/ funding/ scientific agreements for the period 2020-2024
International collaborations
- Prof. Jose Manuel Cimadevilla, (Università de Almería, Spagna).
- Prof. Maria Kozhevnikov, (National University of Singapore, Psychology Department, Singapore
- Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, MGH & Harvard Medical School, MA, USA)
National collaborations
- Prof.ssa Anna Maria Giannini (Università degli Studi di Roma - La Sapienza).
- Ten. Coll. Paola Verde (Dipartimento di Medicina Aerospaziale, Centro sperimentale di volo, Pratica di Mare, RM).
- Prof.ssa Cecilia Guariglia (Università degli Studi di Roma - La Sapienza)
- Prof. Massimiliano Palmiero (Università degli studi di Teramo)
Editorial activities in the period 2020-2024
- Editorial Board of Psychology; Brain Scinces
- Raffaella Nori - Guest Editor per Brain Sciences special issue "Application of Virtual Reality in Spatial Memory"
- Raffaella Nori - Guest Editor per Brain Sciences special issue “Effects of Individual Differences on Spatial Cognition”.
- Raffaella Nori - Guest Editor per Brain Sciences Special Issue "The Role of Sounds and Music in Emotion and Cognition"
- Raffaella Nori - Guest Editor per Brain Sciences Special Issue "The Contribution of Internal and External Factors to Human Spatial Navigation"
Linked Research Labs
Space and Virtual Reality
(The information on this page is available in Italian)