As stipulated by the Department's Operating Regulations (art. 16bis, paragraph 2 and art. 16ter), the Joint Teacher-Student Commission consists of 10 members, equally divided between teachers and students. The Department Council appoints the members of the teacher component, including the President of the Commission. The teacher component must ensure adequate representation of professors and researchers (art. 16bis, paragraph 2).


Duties (art. 16ter):

  • Monitor the educational offerings, the quality of teaching, and student services using specific evaluation indicators.
  • Provide opinions on the establishment, activation, modification, and deactivation of educational offerings for the three cycles.
  • Propose to the Department Council issues pertinent to teaching and the allocation of financial resources as per art. 18 paragraph 12 of the University Statute.
  • Prepare an annual report on the teaching activities of the study programs for which the Department is responsible, considering the annual self-evaluation report of the respective departments of the study programs.