EASP Meeting on Intergroup Communication
Department of Psychology - University of Bologna Bologna, Italy
EASP European Association of Social Psychology - Intergroup Symposium
Post-doctoral Research Symposium 2018
Department of Psychology, University of Bologna Main Hall
Research projects- Postdoctoral Fellows 2017-2018
Joint International Workshop: Understanding and promoting change from early to complex skills in typical and atypical development: a cross-population approach
University of Bologna Department of Psychology, Viale Berti Pichat 5, Bologna
University of Bologna and University of Pittsburgh Joint International Workshop October 10-11, 2018
Risk @ UNIBO Multidisciplinary approaches to risk management
Sala Feste, Malvezzi Building - via Zamboni 22, Bologna and Belmeloro Building - via Andreatta 8, Bologna
Seminar Series organised by the UNIBO Working Group on Risk
Studying basic functions to understand atypical development
Aula Anfiteatro Pombeni - Piazza A. Moro 90, Cesena
International seminar
Safer communities, safer relationships - International conference
PALAZZO VAI - Via Pugliesi, 59100 Prato PO, Italy
An international conference in Prato, Tuscany, on cross-disciplinary approaches
Public Lecture Professor Geoffrey R. Loftus
Aula Magna - Dipartimento di Psicologia Bologna. Viale Berti Pichat 5, Bologna
Measuring the Passage of Time, the Heights of Trees, and the Rate of Forgetting
ISA lecture - The Neuroscience of Body, Emotion, and Social Context Interactions in Neuropsychiatry
Sala VIII Centenario, Palazzo Poggi, via Zamboni 33, Bologna
Lecture by Agustin Ibáñez, National Research Council (CONICET-INECO-FAVALORO), Argentina