Selected publications of the group indexed in Scopus/WOS in the period 2020-2024
Menghini, L., Spagnoli, P., & Balducci, C. (2023). Uncovering the main and interacting impact of workaholism on momentary hedonic tone at work: An experience sampling approach. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 28(6), 380-394.
Balducci, C., Spagnoli, P., Toderi, S.,Clark, M.A.(2022)A within-individual investigation on the relationship between day level workaholism and systolic blood pressure,Work & Stress,36:4,337-354,DOI: 1080/02678373.2021.1976883
Menghini, L., Balducci, C., & Toderi, S. Italian adaptation of Warr’s Job-related Affective Well-being Scale (2022). Italian adaptation of Warr’s Job-related Affective Well-being Scale: Factorial structure and relationships with the HSE Management Standards Indicator Tool. Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology, 2022, Vol. 29, pp. 309-325, DOI: 10.4473/TPM29.3.3
Balducci, C., Alessandri, G., Zaniboni, S., Avanzi, L., Borgogni, L., Fraccaroli, F. (2021). The impact of workaholism on day-level workload and emotional exhaustion, and on longer-term job performance. Work & Stress, 35(1), 6-26.
Balducci, C., Spagnoli, P., Avanzi, L, Clark, M. (2020). A daily diary investigation on the job-related affective experiences fueled by work addiction. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 9(4), 967-977.
Dewa, C. S., Hoch, J. S., Corbière, M., Villotti, P., Trojanowski, L., Sultan-Taïeb, H., Zaniboni, S., & Fraccaroli, F. (2019). A comparison of healthcare use and costs for workers with psychiatric disabilities employed in social enterprises versus those who are not employed and seeking work. Community Mental Health Journal, 55, 202-210.
Funding for the period 2020-2024
National Projects
Stress risk assessment (preliminary phase), University of Trento
Work-related stress in the logistics sector, Ausl Parma
The development of management competencies to prevent work-related stress in managers, Ausl della Romagna
Active National and International Collaborations for the period 2020-2024
International collaborations
prof. Paul Conway, Copenaghen University (DK);
prof. Malissa Clark, Georgia State University (USA);
prof. Donald Truxillo, Portland State University (USA) and University of Limerick (IE);
prof. Mo Wang, University of Florida (USA);
prof. Marc Corbière e Patrizia Villotti, Université du Québec à Montréal (CA);
prof. Silvia Dello Russo, Toulouse Business School (FR);
prof. Gabriela Topa, UNED (SP);
prof. Gudela Grote, ETH Zürich (CH)
National collaborations
prof. Franco Fraccaroli, prof. Lorenzo Avanzi, prof. Michela Vignoli, Università di Trento (IT);
prof. Paola Spagnoli, Università della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” (IT);
prof. Laura Borgogni, Guido Alessandri, Università di Roma “La Sapienza” (IT);
Editorial activities in the period 2020-2024
Editorial board member of Work and Stress, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology; Journal of Business and Psychology, Occupational Health Science, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (Balducci).
Editorial board member of Work, Aging and Retirement; Psicologia Sociale; Frontiers in Psychology and Communication (Organizational Psychology section), Journal of Psychology Research and Applications (Zaniboni).