SFELAV Research Group

Changes in organizations, remote work, interculturality in the workplace. Head: Salvatore Zappalà

Research lines 2020-2024 

    • Remote work and hybrid work 
    • Organizational climate and service climate 
    • Diversity & Cross-cultural management, perception of Equity and Decent Work of foreign workers 
    • Environmental sustainability: employees' green behavior and climate of sustainability in companies in the agri-food sector 
    • Innovation and organizational change   

    Head of the Research Unit:

    Salvatore Zappalà 

    Unibo Members

    Simone Donati

    Adjunct professor

    Research fellow

    Luca Radassao

    PhD Student

    Salvatore Zappalà

    Full Professor

    ERC Sectors

     SH1_5 Labour and demographic economics; human resource management 

    SH1_10 Management; marketing; organisational behaviour; operations management  

    SH 2_6 Sustainability sciences, environment and resources 

    SH 3_6 Kinship; diversity and identities, gender, interethnic relations 

    SH3_7 Social policies, welfare 


     Scientific Disciplinary Sector: PSIC-03/B

    Selected publications 2020-2024

    • Toscano, F., González-Romá, V., Zappalà, S. (2024, online first). The Influence of Working from Home vs. Working at the Office on Job Performance in a Hybrid Work Arrangement: A Diary Study. Journal of Business and Psychology, 1-24 [10.1007/s10869-024-09970-7]. 
    • Puzzo, G., Sbaa, M.Y., Zappalà, S., Pietrantoni, L. (2024) The impact of cultural intelligence on burnout among practitioners working with migrants: an examination of age, gender, training, and language proficiency. Current Psychology, 43: 4443-4455. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-023-04641-x 
    • Zappalà S, Radassao L, Toscano F. Greening Organizations: The Relationship between Employee Environmental Concern, Perception of Advantages of Eco-Innovations, and Support for Innovation. Sustainability. 2023; 15(24):16718. https://doi.org/10.3390/su152416718 
    • Massei, F., Tierney, P., Zappalà, S., & González-Romá, V. (2022). From job resources to idea implementation: A moderated sequential mediation model. Group & Organization Management, 47(6), 1106-1134. https://doi.org/10.1177/10596011211011296 (IF 4,29) 
    • Zappalà S., Sbaa M.Y., Kamneva E., Zhigun L.A., Korobanova, Z.V., Chub, A. (2022) Current Approaches, Typologies and Predictors of Deviant Work Behaviors: A Scoping Review of Reviews. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:674066. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.674066 
    • Galanti, T., Guidetti, G., Mazzei, E., Zappalà, S., & Toscano, F. (2021). Work from home during the COVID-19 outbreak: The impact on employees' remote work productivity, engagement and stress. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 63(7), e426-e432. 

    Fundings 2020-2024 

    International Projects 

    • Participation in the European project H2020 PERCEPTIONS (2021-2023)  
    • Participation in the European project H2020 REMAKING (2024-2026) 


    National Projects 

    • Municipality of Cesena (2024) – Research contract for monitoring Well-being and Work Involvement at the Municipality of Cesena/Unione Valle Savio 
    • Cooperativa Formula Servizi (2024) Research contract for the survey “Gender equality and employee well-being in Formula Servizi”. 
    • PRIN Project 2022 The AGILITY project: Developing and strengthening AGIle high-quaLITY work (Funded by the Ministry of University) 
    • PRIN Project 2022 PNRR: Recovery at work nowadays: a multidimensional perspective (Funded by the Ministry of University) 
    • Municipality of Cesena (2021-2022) – "Tempi di vita e tempi di lavoro: è tempo di comunità" (Times of life and times of work: it's time for community), Survey on work-life balance among employees of companies in the Valle Savio area.  
    • Formula Servizi Cooperative (2022) - "Benessere e lavoro in Formula Servizi" (Well-being and work in Formula Servizi), Research and monitoring activities on the well-being of administrative staff of the Cooperative  

    Active National and International Collaborations 2020-2024 

    International collaborations 

    Universitat de Valencia (Valencia, Spagna) – proff. Vicente Gonzalez-Romà, prof. Ines Tomas, prof. Vicente Martinez-Tur 

    Universidade de Coimbra (Coimbra, Portugal) – prof. Leonor Pais, prof. Tania Ferraro 

    Universidade de Evora (Portugal) - prof. Nuno Dos Santos 

    Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Mosca, Russia) – prof. M. Polevaya, prof. Elena Kamneva 

    Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam, The Netherlands – prof. Lena Knappert 

    Florida Institute of Technology, USA – prof. Richard Griffin 


    Collaborazioni nazionali 

    Università di Milano-Bicocca (Milano, ITA) – prof. M. Miglioretti  

    Università di Verona – Prof. Andrea Ceschi 

    Università della Campania “L. Vanvitelli” - prof. Ferdinando Toscano 

    CNA Formazione Forlì-Cesena (Cesena, ITA) 


    Collaborazioni Unibo 

    Prof. Marco di Tommaso, Dip.to Ingegneria Civile, Chimica, Ambientale e dei Materiali (SSD SECS-P/06 Economia Applicata) 

    CIRI – AGRO - Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca Industriale Agroalimentare 

    Associazione Dottorandi Italiani (ADI) Bologna 

    Editorial activities 2020-2024 

    Members of the Editorial Review Board of the journal: "Journal of Inter-Organizational Relationships" (Zappalà, Donati) 

    Review editor of the magazine "Frontiers in Psychology", Organizational Psychology section (Zappalà) 

    Editor of the Special Issue “Sustainable Career Development and Organizational Psychology" for the journal Sustainability (Toscano)  

    Reviewer for numerous international journals (e.g. European Management Journal, Frontiers in Psychology, Sustainability, European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education, etc.) (Zappalà, Donati, Sbaa, Radassao

    Fellow in scientific academies and / or executive committees of scientific associations for the period 2020-2024

    Members of the following international and national associations: 

    • E.A.W.O.P. (European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology) 
    • A.I.P. (Italian Association of Psychology) 
    • SIPLO (Italian Society of Occupational and Organizational Psychology) 
    • FoWOP (Future of Work and Organizational Psychology) 
    • IMISCOE (International Migration Research Network)