Final exam PhD students of 36° Cycle PhD in Psychology

Committee: Prof. Andrea Serino, Prof. Francesca Prati, Prof. Gianluca Castelnuovo

  • Data: 17 giugno 2024 dalle 10:15 alle 16:00

  • Luogo: Dipartimento di Psicologia “Renzo Canestrari”, Aula Magna - Via le Berti Pichat 5, Bologna / Microsoft Teams

  • Modalità d'accesso: Ingresso libero

PhD candidate

  • Stefano Ciaffoni
    Through Medusa’s Gaze: Exploring Women’s Perception of Gender Inequalities and its Relevance to Social Change (tutors: Prof. Silvia Moscatelli, Prof. Monica Rubini)
  • Valentina Gardini
    A Transdiagnostic Approach to the Use of Virtual Reality in the Prevention of Eating Disorders (tutors: Prof. Silvana Grandi, Prof. Elena Tomba
  • Matteo Orsoni
    Exploring the Psychometric Dimensions: Theoretical and Practical Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Gamification in Education, Learning, and Neuropsychological Assessment (tutors: Prof. Mariagrazia Benassi, Prof. Elvis Mazzoni)
  • Marco Andrea Piombo
    Exploring the Influence of Socio-Emotional Variables on Internalizing Symptoms and Academic Results in Primary School Children (tutors: Prof. Federica Andrei, Prof. Elena Trombini)
  • Debora Stendardi
    The Role of the Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex in Self- and Event-related Schemata (tutor: Prof. Elisa Ciaramelli)
  • Giuliano Tomei
    Network Analysis Models of Eating Disorders (NAMED): An Exploratory Study of Symptoms Configuration at Different Stage of Illness (tutor: Prof. Elena Tomba)
  • Juanjuan Wei
    Keeping a Comfortable Distance: The Role of Intragroup, Intergroup and Cultural Factors in the Choice of Interpersonal Distance (tutors: Prof. Monica Rubini, Prof. Annalisa Guarini, Dr. Michela Candini)

The session will be in presence and it will be public.
Colleagues, friends, and family members who would like to attend it online can use the following Teams link