Scientific Conference Program
10:00 - 10:15
Institutional welcome - Vincenzo Natale, Director of the Department of Psychology, University of Bologna
Opening - Giuseppe di Pellegrino, University of Bologna
10:15 - 10:50
Introduction - Knowing Elisabetta: Scientist and friend
Michael and Charlotte Gazzaniga, University of California Santa Barbara
10:50 - Session Theme: Body representation and space Chair: Giovanni Berlucchi, University of Verona
- 11:00 - 11:25
Functional and dynamic properties of multisensory peripersonal space - few years later - Andrea Serino, University Hospital of Lausanne
- 11:25-11:50
What pathological embodiment can tell us about body representation - Anna Berti, University of Torino
- 11:50-12:15
The body as a spatial object - Patrick Haggard, University College London
- 12:15-12:40
The plastic side of body metric - Nadia Bolognini, University of Milano Bicocca
Lunch break
14:00 - Session Theme: Perception and space Chair: Barry and Nancy Stein, Wake Forest University
- 14:10-14:35
The written language processing in sensory deprivation: the case of deaf individuals with cochlear implants - Francesco Pavani, University of Trento
- 14:35-15:00
Sense and space: perception of tactile location and direction - Brianna Beck, University of Kent
- 15:00-15:25
Social and peripersonal space in ASD - Francesca Frassinetti, University of Bologna
Coffee break
- 15:45-16:10
Peripersonal space in monkeys and humans- Giuseppe di Pellegrino, University of Bologna
- 16:10-16:35
Elisabetta’s Legacy: Forty years of research on attention - Morris Moscovitch, University of Toronto
- 16:35-17:00
The role of posterior parietal cortex in deploying attention to the internal (memory) space - Elisa Ciaramelli, University of Bologna
9:30 - Session Theme: Emotion and space Chair: Carlo Umiltà, University of Padova
- 09:40-10:05
Implicit emotional processing in hemianopia- Caterina Bertini, University of Bologna
- 10:05-10:30
Food recognition and awareness- Raffaella Rumiati, International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste
- 10:30-10:55
New insights in alexithymia research - Cristina Scarpazza, University of Padova
- 10:55-11:20
Emotional learning and peripersonal space- Francesca Starita, University of Bologna
Coffee break
11: 40 - Session Theme: Neural rewiring and space Chair: Tim Shallice, University College London
- 11:50-12:15
Using principles of multisensory integration to reverse hemianopia: functional changes in the underlying neural circuit - Barry Stein, Wake Forest University
- 12:15-12:40
The role of V1-independent networks in visual field defects recovery - Paolo Grasso, University of Trento
- 12:40-13:05
TMS targeting of brain networks modulates action and perception - Alessio Avenanti, University of Bologna