Seminar on ERC Funding Opportunities - Dr. Claudia Alves de Jesus-Rydin

Horizon Europe Pillar I

  • Data: 22 febbraio 2024 dalle 10:00 alle 13:00

  • Luogo: Sala Manfredi, Palazzo Poggi - Via Zamboni 31, Bologna / Microsoft Teams

  • Modalità d'accesso: Ingresso libero previa iscrizione

The European Research Council (ERC) is the European Union body that promotes and supports excellence in scientific research by funding ambitious frontier projects with significant impact on their respective disciplines.

The purpose of this meeting is to raise awareness about these funding opportunities. Particular attention will be given to ERC evaluation procedure and criteria.

The seminar will be held by Claudia Alves de Jesus-Rydin, Geological Engineer graduated from the New University of Lisbon, ERC Senior Programme Officer.