“Why and How Inequality Persists: An Analysis of the Relationship between Dehumanization and Poverty”

Seminar - Professor Rocío Martínez Gutiérrez (University of Granada)

  • Data: 07 febbraio 2024 dalle 10:00 alle 12:00

  • Luogo: Aula Magna, Department of Psychology - Viale Berti Pichat 5, Bologna

  • Modalità d'accesso: Ingresso libero


To deny or overlook the humanity of others involves their exclusion from the circle of moral concern, legitimizing heinous attitudes and behaviors toward them.

This lecture will provide information on the most relevant theories on dehumanization, the plethora of distinct ways in which we dehumanize, the consequences dehumanization imposes on its targets as well as the antecedents of dehumanization, with particular reference to the context of economic inequalities and wealth redistribution policies.

Prof. Rocío Martínez Gutiérrez is a Professor at the Department of Social Psychology at the University of Granada (Spain).

Master students, Phd students, Post-docs, members of the Department are invited to attend.