Le pubblicazioni con partecipazione di Ricercatori e Professori afferenti al Dipartimento di Psicologia
Landi, Giulia; Brosig, Burkhard; Tossani, Eliana, Editorial: New ideas in: psychology for clinical settings 2022, «FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY», 2024, 15, pp. 1 - 3 [Replica/breve intervento (e simili)] Open Access
Tomba, Elena; Tomei, Giuliano, Bridging Perspectives: Exploring the Convergence of Clinimetrics and Network Theory in Mental Health Assessment and Conceptualization, «JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE», 2024, 13, pp. 1 - 15 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Tomba E.; Tecuta L.; Gardini V.; Tomei G.; Lo Dato E., Staging models in eating disorders: A systematic scoping review of the literature, «COMPREHENSIVE PSYCHIATRY», 2024, 131, pp. 1 - 12 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Prati G., Remote work’s impact on well-being: longitudinal analysis and the influence of gender, household size and childcare, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WORKPLACE HEALTH MANAGEMENT», 2024, 17, pp. 72 - 84 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Prati G., Impact of episodes of regime transformation on subjective well-being: A panel event study, «ECONOMICS & SOCIOLOGY», 2024, 17, pp. 11 - 22 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Verganti C.; Suttora C.; Zuccarini M.; Aceti A.; Corvaglia L.; Bello A.; Caselli M.C.; Guarini A.; Sansavini A., Lexical skills and gesture use: a comparison between expressive and receptive/expressive late talkers, «RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES», 2024, 148, pp. 1 - 14 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Bellocchi, S.; Bonifacci, P., Disentangling the Impact of Bilingualism and SES in Literacy Skills of Language-Minority Bilingual Children and Monolingual Peers Exposed to French, «READING PSYCHOLOGY», 2024, 45, pp. 219 - 241 [Articolo in rivista]
Bonifacci, P.; Cangelosi, M.; Bellocchi, S., Oral language predictors of word reading and spelling: A cross-linguistic comparison in bilingual and monolingual children, «JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL CHILD PSYCHOLOGY», 2024, 243, pp. 1 - 9 [Articolo in rivista]
Petruzziello, Gerardo; Soncini, Annalisa; Toscano, Ferdinando; Puzzo, Gabriele; de Sio, Sara; Giusino, Davide; Tomei, Giuliano, ‘Is it me or … ?’. A multimethod study to explore the impact of personal and contextual factors on PhD students’ well-being, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HIGHER EDUCATION», 2024, First on line, pp. 1 - 27 [Articolo in rivista]
Menabo Laura; Caravita S.C.S.; Skrzypiec G.; Slee P.; Guarini A., Effects of victimization and perpetration in observing bullying scenes: an eye-tracker study, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY», 2024, 24, pp. 1 - 9 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Beatrice Bobba, Jochem Thijs, Elisabetta Crocetti, Us, them and we: How national and human identifications influence adolescents’ ethnic prejudice, «BRITISH JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY», 2024, 63, pp. 1804 - 1827 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Starita, F.; Stussi, Y.; Garofalo, S.; Terenzi, D., Editorial: The neurobiological and cognitive underpinnings of appetitive and aversive motivation, «FRONTIERS IN BEHAVIORAL NEUROSCIENCE», 2024, 18, pp. 1 - 3 [Replica/breve intervento (e simili)] Open Access
Chiesa, Rita; Antonio, Audrey Ansay; Guglielmi, Dina; Mariani, Marco Giovanni; Mazzetti, Greta, Young adults’ career goal management: The mediating role of perceived employability and career adaptability, «AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF CAREER DEVELOPMENT», 2024, 33, pp. 36 - 45 [Articolo in rivista]
Compare C.; Rosati F.; Albanesi C.; Baiocco R.; Lorusso M.M., Embracing diversity: Exploring attitudes and beliefs toward transgender and gender-diverse people in the LGBTQIA + communities, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TRANSGENDER HEALTH», 2024, First on line, pp. 1 - 14 [Articolo in rivista]
Gostoli, Sara; Raimondi, Giulia; Rafanelli, Chiara; Gremigni, Paola, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Unhealthy Lifestyle in Adolescence: Unforeseen Role of Allostatic Overload and Psychological Well-Being, «HEALTHCARE», 2024, 12, pp. 1 - 15 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Gostoli, Sara; Ferrara, Francesco; Quintavalle, Ludovica; Tommasino, Sara; Gigante, Graziano; Montecchiarini, Maria; Urgese, Alessia; Guolo, Francesco; Subach, Regina; D'Oronzo, Angelica; Polifemo, Annamaria; Buonfiglioli, Federica; Cennamo, Vincenzo; Rafanelli, Chiara, Four-year follow-up of psychiatric and psychosomatic profile in patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), «BMC PSYCHOLOGY», 2024, 12, pp. 1 - 11 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Petruzziello, Gerardo; Soncini, Annalisa; Puzzo, Gabriele; Tomei, Giuliano; Toscano, Ferdinando, The Psychological and Professional Well-Being of Doctoral Students: Insights from Two Cohorts of a Major Italian University, in: Advances in Psychology Research. Volume 153, Hauppauge, NY, Nova Science Publishers, 2024, pp. 1 - 25 (ADVANCES IN PSYCHOLOGY RESEARCH) [Capitolo/Saggio in libro]
Gostoli, Sara; Bernardini, Francesco; Subach, Regina; Engelmann, Petra; Jaarsma, Tiny; Andréasson, Frida; Rasmussen, Sanne; Thilsing, Trine; Eilerskov, Natasja; Bordoni, Barbara; Della Riva, Diego; Urbinati, Stefano; Kohlmann, Sebastian; Rafanelli, Chiara, Healthcare needs in elderly patients with chronic heart failure in view of a personalized blended collaborative care intervention: a cross sectional study, «FRONTIERS IN CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE», 2024, 11, pp. 1 - 12 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Prati F.; Policardo G.R.; Hewstone M.; Rubini M., How Positive and Negative Intergroup Contact May Shape the Communication of Discrimination Toward Migrants, «JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY», 2024, 43, pp. 273 - 297 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Tessari A.; Ottoboni G., Exploring the association between muscle dysmorphia and cognitive processing of human bodies: A pilot study|DISMORFISMO MUSCOLARE E ALTERAZIONI NELLA PERCEZIONE DEL CORPO: UNO STUDIO PILOTA, «GIORNALE ITALIANO DI PSICOLOGIA», 2024, 50, pp. 111 - 124 [Articolo in rivista]