Progetto Europeo TUPLES

Building trustworthy AI for planning and scheduling (2022-2025)

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Logo Tuples AI Project

Programma di finanziamento:



TUPLES' overarching goal is to intervene to the lack of specific and validated guidelines for the development of applying artificial intelligence (AI) in real-work settings. To do that, TUPLE scope is to identify the principles underlying trustworthy AI systems, to understand the technical requirements and to provide these criteria by offering such foundations, methodologies, and tools in an especially crucial area of AI research and applications: planning and scheduling (P&S). The EU-funded TUPLES project will contribute to an integrated and human-centred approach for the development of P&S tools in order to increase confidence and adoption fo AI.

TUPLES (TrUstworthy Planning and Scheduling with Learning and ExplanationS) is a three-year initiative that will contribute to a more integrated and human-centered approach to the creation of P&S technologies in order to boost confidence and expedite adoption.

The goal is to develop scalable, yet transparent, robust, and secure algorithmic solutions for planning and scheduling by combining the capabilities of data-driven and knowledge-based symbolic AI.

Durata del progetto/Project duration

2022 – 2025 (32 months)

Responsabile scientifico

Prof.ssa Sylvie Thiébaux
ANITI Communaute d’Université et d’etablissements, Université Federale de Tolouse Mid-Pyrenees (France)

Responsabile scientifico per il Dipartimento

Prof. Luca Pietrantoni
ALMA MATER STUDIORUM - Università di Bologna (Italy)


ANITI Communaute d’Université et d’etablissements, Université Federale de Tolouse Mid-Pyrenees (France)


KU Leuven - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)

Saarland University – Universität des Saarlandes (Germany)

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna (Italy)

AIRBUS (France)

OPTIT srl (Italy)

SciSports B.V (Netherlands)

AIRBUS AIRBUS Operation Limited (United Kingdom)


€ 3.987.000,00

Sito web

TUPLES project