Research groups
Activity and composition of our research group working in the many areas of Psychology.
BOOST Perception
BOdy Ownership Space and Time Perception. Head: Mariagrazia Benassi
BRACCO Body Representation and ACtion Cognition
Motor learning; body representations; object use; physical activity and cognitive abilities; multisensory integration; cognitive representation of food; Assistive Technology. Head: Alessia Tessari
Study of circadian rhythms of cognitive processes. Head: Vincenzo natale
Clinical psychosomatics, organ transplantation, and clinical-psychological interventions
Biopsychosocial factors, clinical psychosomatics, chronic disease, organ transplantation, caregiver, psychological flexibility, cognitive-behavior psychotherapy. Head: Silvana Grandi
Clinimetrics and Psychological Well-Being
Clinimetrics, assessment instruments in clinical psychology, staging, macro-analysis, subclinical symptoms, psychological well-being, euthymia, lifestyle. Head: Chiara Rafanelli
Cognitive processes, learning disabilities and bilingualism
Head: Paola Bonifacci
Community, equity and health promotion
We focus on health, equity and health promotion. In these fields we do research and interventions to contrast inequality and promote community well-being. Head:Cinzia Albanesi
We study the neural bases of and individual differences in conscious experience through the combined use of behavioral, electrophysiological and neurostimulation techniques. Head: Vincenzo Romei
Developmental Technologies for life-cycle education and lifelong learning. Head: Elvis Mazzoni
Development of communication, language, cognition, and relationships
Communicative-linguistic, cognitive and relational development in typical, at risk and atypical populations from infancy to school age. Head: Alessandra Sansavini
Diversity at work - DiWo
Head: Sara Zaniboni
Eating Attitudes Team (EATeam)
Psychology of eating and Eating Disorders. Clinical approaches and interventions. Head: Elena Tomba
Environmental Psychology and Psychoacoustics
Environmental psychology, Ergonomics, Psychoacoustics and psychology of music. Head: Marco Costa
GRIPIDEM Research Group on Psychosocial Interventions for Aging and Dementia
Demenza, interventi psicosociali, caregiving, carers, cure palliative, invecchiamento, prevenzione, declino cognitivo. Responsabile: Rabih Chattat
Human Factors, Risk and Safety - Research unit
Human factors, ergonomics, risk, safety, social contexts. Head: Luca Pietrantoni
Health, well-being and diversity at work
Influence of work-related psychosocial factors on health and well-being. Head: Stefano Toderi
Identities in interaction
Head: Elisabetta Crocetti
Juridical Psychology
Head: Raffaella Nori
Head: Elisa Ciaramelli
MoDel - Neuroscience of Motivation, Decision and Learning
We study the neural and functional mechanisms underlying reinforcement learning and decision-making. Head: Giuseppe di Pellegrino
NeatLAB: Neuroscience of Emotions and Actions investigated with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
We study the cerebral foundations of human behavior in emotional contexts, neuroplasticity, and brain connectivity through electrophysiological techniques and neurostimulation.
NIBS Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation
We study the neural bases of behavior and cognition, plasticity, brain oscillations, and connectivity through electrophysiological techniques and neurostimulation. Head: Alessio Avenanti
Perception, Learning and Emotion
Perception and learning in the processing of visual and acoustic stimuli. Head: Maurizio Codispoti
Perinatal Psychopathology, parenthood and child development
The research group is involved in the study, assessment and intervention on the transition to parenthood in at-risk contexts, focusing on the psychopathological risk for parental function, the clinical implications for mental health during childhood and the caregiver-infant relational dimension. Head: Francesca Agostini
Psychosocial factors, forms of participation and citizenship
Psychosocial factors, forms of participation and citizenship. Head: Elvira Cicognani
P.A.T. Psychometrics Assessment Testing
Development and validation of psychometric measures, study and application of measurement in psychology. Head: Giulia Casu
SEFoRA Research Group (Sviluppo, Educazione, Formazione, Ricerca, Azione SEFoRA).
Processes of social and cognitive development in schools and educational contexts, social networks and ICTs in a developmental perspective. Head: Carlo Tomasetto
SFELAV Research Group
Changes in organizations, remote work, interculturality in the workplace. Head: Salvatore Zappalà
Social Psychology of Morality
Study of the role of morality in social judgment and group relations. Head: Silvia Moscatelli
Space and Virtual Reality
Head: Raffaella Nori
Study group on research in psychotherapy
The mission of the research group is to implement methodologies and techniques of evaluation and psychological/psychotherapeutic intervention with children and parents that can be used in health and educational contexts. Head: Elena Trombini
Visual Disorders
We study perception, attention and visuo-spatial representation in healthy individuals, brain-damaged patients and individuals with Head: Caterina Bertini
Wellbeing at school, bullying and cyberbullying, prevention programs
Pathways to prevent bullying and cyberbullying and promote well-being at school. Head: Annalisa Guarini